Youth Program
Careers in Politics
We are available to come to your high school, college or career fair to speak and offer advice about careers in politics.
Paid Internship Program
We offer an internship program that allows high school and college students to spend a summer getting hands-on experience with political campaigns and elections.
Assistance with Job Placement
IFEC staff will actively help alumni of its Youth Program identify employment opportunities as well as offer referrals and networking opportunities.

Nonpartisan Training
IFEC offers nonpartisan training in campaign finance compliance and ethics to anyone who works in politics or campaigns, regardless of partisan affiliation. The training is intended to enhance compliance and campaign finance ethics laws, for the ultimate benefit of the public.

Publication of Educational Materials
IFEC can develop customized educational materials for your organization, company or campaign.

Speakers’ Bureau
IFEC has a network of professional campaign consultants, compliance professionals and attorneys. Through IFEC’s Speakers’ Bureau, we seek opportunities to educate the public as to the importance of campaign finance reform and ethical practices in the campaign consulting space.
Your Time is Now
Simply contact us or fill out the form to learn more about IFEC programs or to become an intern.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 202-552-0221